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The cheapest mobile phones: how to choose a quality device

Today, smartphones can rightly be called the most popular device in the world. It is difficult to imagine a person without such a device. It is used by children and adults, it is with us everywhere - at work, at school, while having fun and on trips. The scope of use does not only apply to calls and messages. We use the product for playing games, listening to music, social networking, reading, writing, viewing documents and other purposes. The camera in the devices keeps getting better and better and rivals some SLRs in image quality.

You are always in touch with this device: both on calls and online. Manufacturers offer a huge selection of equipment for every taste and for any purpose. We will talk about how to choose quality and especially the cheapest mobile phones in the Czech Republic.

How to choose and buy quality used phones?

Price is one of the decisive factors when buying and choosing a refurbished phone. From ICOOLA, you get the same quality as buying a new phone plus a free 1 year warranty.

Are you deciding whether you need a cheap smartphone or a more expensive but functional one? In many ways, the price is influenced by the material of the case - the durability, reliability and stability of the structure against external factors depends on it. It is believed that cheap goods are more often made of plastic, but this is not always the case. Devices from the business segment are often made of polycarbonate. The advantages of plastic are lightness, practicality, it is good to create any textures from it. Flagships made of tempered glass or even ceramic are increasingly appearing in the store.

Metal is a durable material, although heavy, but not afraid of damage. However, to lighten the construction, manufacturers only make a metal or steel frame from it. Another plus will be IP67 or IP68 protection classes, which show that the device is not afraid of the influence of sand, dust and moisture.

Mobile phone design and colors

Even cheap smartphones look stylish and beautiful, complementing your image. Selling used mobile phones - this is the best solution, because every smartphone is unique.

Mobiles are produced in the following colors:

  • White:
  • Black;
  • Grey;
  • Silver;
  • Gold;
  • Red;
  • Blue;
  • Wine red;
  • Purple;
  • Green;
  • Brown;
  • Yellow.

This is only part of the extensive palette so that every user can choose the right shade when buying a refurbished mobile. Timeless classics – black, gray and white. These are universal, understated and timeless colors. Gold and silver are also recently classified as classical. They are more elegant but still versatile. If you love brightness and originality, red, yellow, green and blue shades are for you. Each manufacturer tries to present something original, for example, the gradient case is now in trend among Chinese companies. But the overall design remains minimalistic.

Communication to stay connected

Each used mobile phone from ICOOLA goes through several levels of testing, we check all kinds of communication in detail. Modern smartphones, the prices of which depend on the supported communication modules, can have the following communication:

  • 3G - usual format from a mobile operator with calls, sms and good internet speed;
  • 4G - gradually replaces the previous paragraph, has a stable connection and Internet speed of at least 100 Mbps;
  • Wi-Fi - connect to a local network in a place that suits you, saving mobile traffic;
  • Bluetooth is a wireless technology for data transmission, and with its help you can wirelessly connect speakers, headphones and other devices
  • GPS - determines geographical coordinates, which are necessary for maps and navigation;
  • NFC is a relatively new wireless technology operating within a 10 cm radius, used for cashless payments.

The Complete Guide to Screen Options for New Phones

In the online store of refurbished smartphones - ICOOLA.CZ you can choose a device of excellent quality at a significantly lower price. The display, which occupies 90% of the front part of the design and affects usability, is not surprising. First, look at the diagonal - this is determined by the distance between the opposite corners of the sensor and is measured in inches. The lowest values start around 4". They are compact and ergonomic, like models up to 4.9", but readability suffers here. The golden mean is 5.1-5.9". Both comfortable to look at and fit in your pocket. It is most enjoyable to read, play and watch content on a screen from 6 inches.

Types of resolutions and matrices of refurbished smartphones

If you are going to buy a cheap mobile, then in most cases you will get a simple matrix. PLS, TN, TFT and other sensors fall into this category. IPS deserves special attention - an affordable liquid crystal screen, from which the air gap has been removed for a smaller thickness. It has wide viewing angles and good color reproduction. Excellent image quality for OLED, Amoled, Super Amoled and more. Fine adjustment of brightness and fine contrast is available with them.

The resolution of the phone is the number of pixels that make up the display. The higher the numbers, the better the image details. Companies offer dozens of formats. Most popular: HD 1280x720, HD+ 1440x720, Full HD 1920x1080, Ultra HD 3840x2160.

The most important point is to choose the number of megapixels in the used refurbished mobile phone

If you want to buy cheap used mobile phones in an online store, pay attention to the camera resolution:

  • up to 5 MP;
  • from 5.1 to 7;
  • from 8 to 12;
  • from 13 to 16;
  • from 17 to 21;
  • from 21 and over.

The number of megapixels determines how clear the photos will be, which is especially important if you want to enlarge or print them. At low resolution, you will get somewhat blurry and not very detailed images. For quick photos, when you need to capture the moment and can sacrifice quality, a format from 5 to 10 megapixels is suitable. But if you want to take photos like a camera, take a device with 12 megapixels or more. Starting at 16 MP, you take beautiful and clear pictures. The front camera also has its own indicators. Averages are 8 megapixels, which is enough for selfies. But there are already products from 20 megapixels.

More about optics

Each used phone model also has additional camera features:

  • dual main module - one lens is used for standard tasks, the other for specific ones, such as background blur;
  • triple module - everything as in the previous paragraph, but with extended functionality, for example the third lens is used for zoom;
  • dual front camera – for bright, colorful and attractive selfies;
  • 4 main modules - guarantee high quality, shoot even in low light conditions.

In addition, search the catalog for various optical options. To improve photos, you will need optical stabilization, autofocus, LED flash, even on the front camera. Manual setting approaches the functionality of an SLR camera with the setting of its own exposure parameters. Companies equip optics with enhancement modes - they smooth out wrinkles, remove acne from the skin, blur the background.

Buy a smartphone with working memory

In the Czech Republic, you can buy cheap mobile phones with many options for built-in memory. This indicator affects how many files, applications and games you store on the device. Available options:

  • up to 8 GB;
  • 16;
  • 32;
  • 64;
  • 128;
  • 256 or more.

The 8, 16 and 32GB numbers aren't too impressive by today's standards, but if you're looking for a device just for calls and basic tasks, it's enough. Next comes the average data – 64 gigabytes. With 128GB and more, you'll be able to store all your information. Even if the factory storage is not enough for you, the products are equipped with a microSD card slot with a capacity of up to 512 GB. Don't forget RAM too. Stores temporary files and machine code. The higher the numbers, the faster the system processes information. The minimum is 1-2 Gb, 6, 8 or even 12 Gb will give excellent performance.

The company ICOOLA.CZ offers you a whole range of built-in memory variants of the cheapest mobile phone in the Czech Republic.

What other features are important when choosing a used phone

If you are going to buy used refurbished mobile phones on the Internet, check the list of options in advance:

  • Face ID – scans your face and unlocks the system;
  • fast and wireless charging - you save time, forget about torn and tangled wires;
  • body protection - you are not afraid of the influence of dust, sand, moisture;
  • expandable memory - if you don't have enough built-in storage, use microSD.

In addition to the popular Face ID, other security options are also used. These include fingerprint scanners or iris scanners. They behave similarly to Face ID, allowing access to the system only after scanning with precise sensors. This will ensure that no one else can unlock the device. Note that many products today support 2 SIM cards at once, which is convenient.

Performance, Cores, OS

A modern phone is also selected according to the filling. It is equipped with the following number of cores:

  • 2 cores;
  • 4;
  • 6;
  • 4+4;
  • 8;
  • 10.

A device with 1 core has not been found in the market for a long time.

If there are more than two elements, this is an advantage. The load from the processor is evenly distributed between the parts. The more cores, the faster the device works, the easier it is to handle several tasks at once, and you forget about overheating. The following types of processors are more common: Qualcomm Snapdragon, Mediatek Helio, Exynos, HiSilicon Kirin, Apple A. Only their versions change: the higher, the higher the frequency. Most devices are based on the Android operating system. But for iPhone it's iOS.

Why is our company the best shop to choose the cheapest mobile phones?

The company ICOOLA is primarily associated with quality and price! We want you to get only original cheap phone with free 1 year warranty. In addition, we plant a tree for every phone we buy because it's about the environment.

Our mission is not just to sell phones, but to show that one of the smartest ways to solve the digital waste problem is the circular economy!. Choosing used mobile phones is the choice of an intelligent European person who thinks about the future and wants to be better.

671 EUR
1 100 EUR
671 EUR

Smartphone Question and Answer